Artist Credits

I’ve had the privilege of working with some extremely talented artist and feel they deserve their own special place here on my website. If you like the visuals that go along with my words, please consider showing them the same love you’ve shown me.

Sarah Miller Creations (ArtStation, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, DeviantArtYoutube, website, Patreon)
Abaeloth credits: covers for Defiance and Despair, convention banners

Nodus Astra (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon)
Abaeloth credits: All of my amazing chibis <3

Cynthia Lu (Instagram, Facebook, RedBubble, Etsy)
Abaeloth credits: Badass Nes

No Synonym Book Cover Design/Sarah Anderson (Facebook, website)
Abaeloth credits: Original covers for Devotion, Deception, and Defilement

Jairo Veintimilla (Fiverr)
Abaeloth credits: Rend’s cover